Advice of the Week

A Quote to Ponder: "Who are you to change the world? I'm here to tell you, who are you not to?" -Jason Russell


New Year Resolutions

“I'm gonna make a change for once in my life.  It's going to feel real good. I’m going to make a difference.  I’m going to make it right…I'm starting with the Man in the Mirror.  I'm asking him to change his ways.  No message could have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself, and then make a change.”  -adapted from Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson.

As AVID students, we know that we should always improve ourselves.  Now is the time!  Why?  A new year symbolizes a new beginning.  It gives us a chance to start fresh and wash away our bad habits.  In AVID, we not only have New Year Resolutions, but we also create a plan on how to accomplish them.  We do this because we know that many people create New Year Resolutions, but they only last a few weeks.  Our plans state the steps we need to take to be successful in completing our New Year Resolutions.  We even hold each other accountable.  We are a family, aren't we? 

Some of the top New Year Resolutions are to get healthy (be able to run a half marathon), be happier (focus on the positives), travel more (visit a cousin in Norway!), spend more time with family (spending more money on gas might help the economy!), do more community service, (Project Linus!),  be a better friend (communication!), learn something new (like how to put the binding on a quilt properly), and save money (for college!).  As a teacher, I'd recommend any of those!  What ever your resolutions are, make sure to create a plan and write it down.  Think long term and not just January!  Stay flexible; if something doesn't quite work, you can adjust your plan.  Make sure to share your plan with friends and family that will support you.  Reward yourself when you accomplish small goals that go with your New Year Resolutions so you will keep your momentum.  

We said that the new year symbolizes a time for change.  But why can't you change yourself whenever you want to?  You can!  Just remember that if we don't create goals for ourselves, we will stay stagnate in life.  And we all know a little something about stagnate water, right?  It smells!  So unless you want to smell your whole life, create some New Year Resolutions!

"This is the day your life will surely change.  This is the day when things fall into place."  -This is the Day by The The

Comment below and share your New Year Resolution!


  1. I would like to be able to run. Heart issues as a teen and knee injuries as an adult have really put a damper in my exercise plan. Now that things seem to be improving, I want to run like Forrest Gump!

  2. I like the unicorns assemble pic- A boy in your 6th period
