Advice of the Week

A Quote to Ponder: "Who are you to change the world? I'm here to tell you, who are you not to?" -Jason Russell


Guest Speaker: Dr. Peters Burton

Dr. Peters Burton from George Mason University was our guest speaker on Dec. 20th.  She shared her story with us about how she and her family escaped hardships in Ireland, how she landed in foster care, and how she ended up attending several universities for free.  Before all that though, she ate a candle (or was it...?)!  Her bio at GMU is available here.  Her book is entitled Thinking Like Scientists: Using Metacognitive Prompts to Develop Nature of Science Knowledge.  Dr. Peters Burton said that her goal is to help teachers create meaningful science lessons in their classroom that inspire students to want to learn.  If you would like to email her, her email is
If you were in the class, what did you find interesting about Dr. Peters Burton?

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